(А) Утилитарный подсумок Командирский планшет



Allows to work with maps, GPS, other documents and tools on a flat protected surface. It has folding transparent map case. There are six MOLLE loops wide on the front along with Velcro loops for patches. The inside has several elastic holders which fit pens, knives, flashlight, notepad, compass, chemlight. It takes six MOLLE loops to attach to your vest, chest rig, belt or backpack.

• Weight 300g
• Cordura 500D
• Dimensions W16xH26xD3.5 cm
• MOLLE sockets width - 6 loops, height - 5 rows
• Flat and stiff surface for handwriting and documents
• Transparent map case
• Convenient organizer

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Made in Russia. Field tested. The US made original fabrics and hardware. Lifetime warranty.

The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the design of the product and parts that do not impair product quality, without prior notice.

